What's up everyone!!  Since I fell a little behind in my posts last week I thought I'd do a brief mid-week update with some gaming news.  For those who haven't heard yet, a new remake for Goldeneye has been announced!  I know you might be thinking, "didn't they just release that already", and you're completely correct.  Goldeneye was remade for the Nintendo Wii last year, but just a few days ago Eurocom Entertainment Software announced a new HD remake for the Wii Version on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.  This remake features a brand new graphics engine, so it should look pretty damn good on you're 50 inch.  

I also wanted to give a quick update on what the Nintendo 3DS released on the eStore yesterday... their new video service called, appropriately enough, 'Nintendo Video'.  Everything on this service is in 3d, so you'll finally get some good use out of your portable 3d hardware.  The only downside is this automatically downloads just short videos that Nintendo puts out randomly on Spot Pass.  If you don't have a 3DS, this probably sounds pretty foreign to you, and I apologize for that.  However, if you do happen to have one, this is exciting news indeed.  I know I'm always excited for anything new I can watch in 3d.  In addition to this new video service, Nintendo also finally made a new 3d downloadable game '3d Classics Xevious'.  This is basically the same Xevious you know from 1982, but in 3d.  It's actually pretty fun, but I don't really see myself playing it for hours on end.  And the price of $5.99 seems a little steep for something this short.  But it's #@#* 3D!!!  SO YOU NEED IT!!!!!

Anyway, that's it for now, catch you all next week for my official blog update.  Now get out there and play some games!!

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